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Wrasse and Mandarin together?


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I have kept both in a 90g without problems. It does kind of depend on the wrasses appetite though. Some wrasses tend to literally hunt all day and will eat until they pop while others will only hunt for a little while evey day and will eat mostly frozen or food that you give them. Most of the time both will feed on pods so they would be in some competition but if you have them feeding on frozen, I would imagine that you would do just fine.

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I had the same concern when I added a wrasse but they will take to feeding easily. Mine was pretty big, Twin Spot, when I got it but its been months and the manderin is doing just fine. I have added pods once since then also just too help.



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I guess it also depends on what kinda wrasse you are talking about. I have a Melanarus and I can tell you right now...a manderin would most likely starve in my tank.


I lost my little mandarin about a month after I got my melanarus wrasse. He eats anything and everything. Mini starfish, bristle worms, pods, nudi's, if it can fit in his mouth he eats it. My little mandarin had no chance in my 75g once I got the wrasse.(sad)



Smann, BTW that wrasse is beautiful! Where did you get that thing?

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