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Anyone have fish that doesn't respond to garlic?


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So if garlic is supposed to be an appetite stimulant, why isn't it stimulating my new fish to eat? He tried it at first but then keeps spitting out the food. Seems like he doesn't like the garlic taste.


I blended raw garlic with rodi water and squeezed out the juice into the seafood mixture.


It looks like he wants to eat, but does not like what I am feeding. Anyone have ideas on what to feed a trigger fish?


I've tried:



cocktail shrimp




Ca2or's seafood blend

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You might also try silversides. Be sure you give it something like raw shrimp with the shell some as well since they need it to keep their teeth from growing too big. How long have you had it? I wouldn't worry too much about it not eating for the first week or so. They tend to hide for a couple of weeks and then slowly start associating you with food and then become the first fish to the front. Both of mine would/will eat anything I put in the tank including flake, pellets, and nori. (In addition to the meaty stuff) The one I have now even tastes my hand to see if it's food although it never bites hard enough to break the skin.

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It appears to be very hungry, but looks like it is looking for something in particular. It has been coming out when I'm around, so it's not shy or anything.


It's now been a week since I got it and has only eaten good twice. Last good feeding was two days ago. Tried the same food again the next day and it just spits it out.


I've been reading some sites, and some people were successful with tying food to a string and wiggling it around. I'm going to try that, at least if it doesn't eat, I can yank the food out so it doesn't foul the tank.


I have some silversides so I'll try that attached to a fishing line...without hook of course lol


Last resort will be live food, but I'm going to avoid that as I don't want to encourage it to eat his tank mates in the future.

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I would try and run up to Safeway on and hit the butcher. Get some of that tailless raw shrimp and dangle that. As stated you could bring him by and see if he eats with other triggers around....but I imagine it would be stressful with not eating and all.


I'll try the raw shrimp when the light turns back on. He seems to sleep all day when the lights are off.


I would love to bring him by, but it's almost impossible to catch him now since the rock work is permanent and he hides deep inside. Your triggers might make a meal out of him too lol.

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3 more days of vacation? Lucky you. How's the wife doing? Did she get over that head cold?


The fishing line did the trick and also got him to eat more of the meaty foods. We'll see how he does tomorrow though...it's a hit or miss thing. I still have to fatten him up, you can still see the top part kinda pinched in, but at least his belly looks okay.

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glad to hear he ate. Yeah she got over that cold. Doing much better now. But tomorrow I have alot to do to my tank. Got any test kits?


Glad she's better. I have an api test kit that's around 5 years old. Not sure if it's accurate anymore. I also got salifert for cal, mag, and alk. Want to test those?


Not sure where to test my water anymore since waves is gone.

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Glad she's better. I have an api test kit that's around 5 years old. Not sure if it's accurate anymore. I also got salifert for cal, mag, and alk. Want to test those?


Not sure where to test my water anymore since waves is gone.


That API test kit did not work 5 years ago, let alone now-LOL


I have had more false readings with those guys kites than I care to recall.


I really like those strips that test 5 things at once. I had a frien use that strip and showed zero NO3, I snuck a water sample and did a salifert test-his NO3 was close to 30-LMFAO


Glad to see your fish eating-I've had triggers not eat intially up to 30 days. Its eat or die, they'll eat.


Surprised at the replies you got somewhat- Sort of curious what KIND of trigger do you have?


My Undalatas and Niger ate differently than my Picaso or Clown-Hmmm

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That API test kit did not work 5 years ago, let alone now-LOL


I have had more false readings with those guys kites than I care to recall.


I really like those strips that test 5 things at once. I had a frien use that strip and showed zero NO3, I snuck a water sample and did a salifert test-his NO3 was close to 30-LMFAO


Glad to see your fish eating-I've had triggers not eat intially up to 30 days. Its eat or die, they'll eat.


Surprised at the replies you got somewhat- Sort of curious what KIND of trigger do you have?


My Undalatas and Niger ate differently than my Picaso or Clown-Hmmm


Ouch. What test kit should I get that doesn't cost an arm and leg? My readings are either perfect or very low on the charts (scary)


I have a sargassum trigger (Xanthichthys ringens). Not sure if they are reef safe as some claim as I seen it pick up a giant nassarius snail and carried it around the tank lol.

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Ouch. What test kit should I get that doesn't cost an arm and leg? My readings are either perfect or very low on the charts (scary)




Someone here had this link, it is the best for pricing. IMO Salifert are the test kits to have-I had a hard time throwing down the money at first but after finding out how off my other test kit was, how could I not justify paying the extra price.


I'm not saying all Salifert, I actually have an API PH kit-its not accurate but I know the range of its inaccuracy.


Salifert for






LOL whats left but PH


One dead coral or fish pays for a few tests kits-You will find there are many opinions to the "which test kit" should I use, statistically Salifert is the winner and I am pleased with them.




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I have a sargassum trigger (Xanthichthys ringens). Not sure if they are reef safe as some claim as I seen it pick up a giant nassarius snail and carried it around the tank lol.


I would expect it to be reef safe. It is normal for them to move things around. Especially if they can't find a good spot to get inside the rocks.

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