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I dont know whare this thread should go!


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I have always thought that the GOC should help every one involved even the sponsors who graciously donate to the comp. So after reading some of the recent post's it's clear that the founders had hoped that it would take off and they would get some help from the board/sponsors/members, well I have an idea for frags and distribution. Why cant we decide what coral we are going to want for the competition and have our local fish stores each get that coral and frag it and have there store the pick up point? I know there's allot of sponsors but I think we would half to go with store front store's, I'm sorry to the online and garage guy's!! ( this is also just a thought and someone may be able to alter it to benefit all ) The store can get the coral, frag it, and sell it, then when we get home we with it we can register it. And I think that it would help foot traffic in the store and may help the site buy having the GOC frags in the store for all to see some that may not be members may want to join to be in the comp. Then if at all possible the items being purchased while purchasing the comp frag, like maybe 10% of the proceeds can go towards the prizes and the stores can donate as to the extra $ generated from the GOC. I think this would also alleviate any paper work for tax issues wouldn't it?


My 2 cents

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Best place would probably be the GOC forum.


IMO the problem with this would be then everyone would not start with a fair playing field. Joe's LFS might have a better fragging technique or lighting systems then Jim's LFS. John's LFS might have a horrible outbreak of widgets that kill all the corals. Jacobs LFS might be dosing there tanks with human growth hormone and the corals would be twice the size.


For it to be fair all the frags have to come from the same colony, from the same system.



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I understand what you are saying. Could it be though that if a store wanted to participate in it they would take every precaution to ensure there frags survived (IE wasn't there fault for the demise of the coral) There would be protocol for the fraging of course and like the present comp there was a healing time so not to send out a frag that wasn't going to make it. as for it coming from the same colonies, well if the comp continues to grow there's no way to ensure that all frags would be coming from the same colonie anyway.

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PLEASE do not take what I am saying with any negativity. I think that what Eric has started is a cool thing and has brought some of our members closer together but I want to clear up a couple of items commented above. First of all the GOC was brought to the board by Eric as a friendly competition for the members. The board was never asked or expected to take it over or oversee it. Secondly the sponsors were contacted for donations for the competition (with the introduction of it being a club function which it is not) without knowelge or permission of the board and officers. All of the money collected from the entry fee were supposed to fund the purchase of the frags and necessary materials for the competition. The sponsors should not have been contacted for donations. All of the sponsors of the club have a fee associated with being a sponsor. Most of the sponsors donate items to the club for raffles, drawings, ect. for their payment. If a sponsor donates to the GOC thinking that it is a club function then they most likely will also think it is payment for their sponsorship....


The board is now involved because of the 501c financial repsonsibility for the IRS. Other than that the GOC is a seperate entity merely conduted in its own forum.



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Eric, If that was the case I apologize. I am in no way trying to discredit you or the competition which is why i started the above thread the way I did. The information I was given had made it sound like the sponsors were approached differently. There seemed to be a few issues that had come up at the same time and information may have been confused(which can easily happen in an online forum). I am glad that the issues have been resolved and the competition will continue.



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I place no blame on you. There have been several issues that have arrisen and I have no doubts that no matter what I said to sponsors it could have been taken a different way. Some will see it as a donation is a donation. My intentions here were not to cause any frusteration within PNWMAS. Nor to create enemies on the board...seems I failed on both fronts.

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I place no blame on you. There have been several issues that have arrisen and I have no doubts that no matter what I said to sponsors it could have been taken a different way. Some will see it as a donation is a donation. My intentions here were not to cause any frusteration within PNWMAS. Nor to create enemies on the board...seems I failed on both fronts.


I still like ya!! My thoughts at the top of the thread were to alleviate some of the burden from you and snowpunk! In my idea you would still be in control of the comp. but wont have the responsibility or you would be delegating the responsibility of fragging, storing,collecting, gathering of prizes.

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PLEASE do not take what I am saying with any negativity. I think that what Eric has started is a cool thing and has brought some of our members closer together but I want to clear up a couple of items commented above. First of all the GOC was brought to the board by Eric as a friendly competition for the members. The board was never asked or expected to take it over or oversee it. Secondly the sponsors were contacted for donations for the competition (with the introduction of it being a club function which it is not) without knowledge or permission of the board and officers. All of the money collected from the entry fee were supposed to fund the purchase of the frags and necessary materials for the competition. The sponsors should not have been contacted for donations. All of the sponsors of the club have a fee associated with being a sponsor. Most of the sponsors donate items to the club for raffles, drawings, ect. for their payment. If a sponsor donates to the GOC thinking that it is a club function then they most likely will also think it is payment for their sponsorship....


The board is now involved because of the 501c financial responsibility for the IRS. Other than that the GOC is a separate entity merely conducted in its own forum.




almost correct... The fees were actually to fund the beginning colony, fragging material, shipping to and from sponsors and members participating, and lastly, to buy prize pieces and gift certificates if the funds allowed it. It didn't make sense to just buy corals from sponsors as we have a lot of them and their would be no good way to pick who we bought from, and no reason for us to promote them since we were really just a customer at that point. This way was more of a "you scratch mine and I'll scratch yours" approach. I personally talked with one sponsor for a while about the game during the first round and he knew it was our own game. I sent you a PM with a letter that I sent to all the sponsors on the forum also to let you see exactly what was said and asked of them. It was corrected a bit from the form I sent you but I think mostly just some punctuation errors and such. I bet one of our sponsors could find it in their PM box to get you a copy they received. I didn't introduce it to anyone as a club function. I didn't send the first PM's out for the first round so I can't speak for that. I thought my letter made it pretty clear it was a donation for a game we were playing and had been playing, and their was no obligation to donate. In the letter I stated that if they wanted to donate it was entirely up to them, and if not it was no problem. Donations were asked for as a way for the sponsor to have their business promoted by us. They show their support for the game and in return the hope was that players of the game would be exposed to the corals available from that sponsor and it would create business for them. It also gave them a way to get their business name out there and have some good publicity behind it as well. I hope this doesn't come out as hostile since it was mostly to inform you of what things look like from my side of the line that seems to be drawn in the sand.;)

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