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72 hour GOC frag give away

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Well I need your input here. I woke up today and found a significant amount of damage had been delivered to the chalice. I am not sure what happened but it was moved in the tank and a large portion of it is white. If you guys want I will still pull name and give away, but if so be warned that winner will receive all I have....dead and alive. But it is either that or a cancel this round until I get it replaced. Choice is yours. I will check this thread around 8a on 11/28 and depending on what is there will predict whether or not I pull a name...



Sorry again to all involved.

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well....it didn't make it..I am bummed. I think I found the culprit too....see I have been doing alot of trades and sales and only topping off with freshwater....my salt was at 1.020. Anyway....continue to enter I will replace the prize and pull a winner on the 30th. That way anyone who hasn't posted a photo update by the cut off (whistle) wont be competing against you....(plotting)

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Sorry....haven't drawn a name yet. I meant to post in here that it was extended for the 5 days that photo updates were.....there are just too many GOC things going right now on top of the tank issues I have had for me to keep up with all of this. I will pull a name on the 5th....feel free to continue to sign up until midnight the 4th.

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