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Huge Tank For Sale!!! ~500g!!!


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After much debate and though I have decided to sell my roughly 500g reef tank!


I got this tank a little over a month ago and was planning to do a really awesome reef build but simply do not have the room at the moment to set this beauty up. I would definatley do so if i had the room and though about paying to store it until I do but I am still not sure how long that will be. Also being that I already have close to 600g worth of tanks setup I really just can't convince myself or my garage owners(my gracious parents who are almost always willing to put up with my antics) to get this thing going.


The tank measures 60"long x 60"wide x 30" tall. It is eurobraced and is made of 3/4 acrylic all the way around. This is an extemely well built tank that has a ton of potential. There are 5 holes drilled in the center bottom ready for 1.5" bulkheads and plumbing. It comes with a white overflow PVC tube(12"-14" diameter) that can be siliconed into place in the middle. I personally debated over doing that or setting up a really deap demsion tank and adding an overflow to the back. The possibilites are near endless with this tank.


The tank sits on a very heavy duty stand that has 1/4 plywood trim. I would replace and/or paint the trim if I were setting it up as it is scratched up and was just done for rough esthetics when it was first setup.


The acrylic is in great shape but the tank could use a good buffing. There are not really large scratches that I can see. The tank also needs a good cleaning as it wasn't really cleaned well after it was taken down.



To give you an idea of what this tank looks like, here is Brandon's(djgiantti) build thread. The two tanks and stands are identicle with the exception that this one has the holes drilled for the center overflow and Brandons has his setup for a rear overlfow.



To give you an idea of size, here is a pic of Brandon literally snorkling in his tank to clean it.





Though I don't really have to sell this tank, I really want some more room in the garage and I would like to give my parents a place to park their car during the coming winter months. I have a price that might shock some but hopefully will get this thing out of the garage quickly!



$900 OBO for the tank and stand! This is nearly 1/5th of the building supplies alone :D


Moving this will require at least 4 guys or so to move and a pickup with a large bed or better yet a trailer.






PM me or call me if seriously interested.









*MODs please feel free to move this to my thread if it isn't acceptable to post it here. I just figured I would give more people a chance to see that I am selling my personal dream tank ;)

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Wish I had the room.


come on now rick, you know you can find the room for this, just tell your wife its a present for her, and you'll grow her all kinds of beautiful corals, which you'll have to buy for her to grow, that way you get the tank and new corals, and she gets to think its all for her LOL

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Man' date=' that is a sweet tank. I really feel like it isn't big enough though. After getting the deep dimension bug I think that I am going to make my next tank a 72x72x36. I just have to wait till Cora is done with school and we buy a house...so kindof the same deal as you have, not enough room. Good luck, free bump.[/quote']


I hear you there. Deep dems are the way to go. Trust me though Curtis. This would be as big as you would want to go unless you want to go diving to clean the tank or reach anything in the center even with your head submerged. It is much bigger in person then it looks in the pics. You will definately have to get me in on your big build once you guys get a house :)

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I hear you there. Deep dems are the way to go. Trust me though Curtis. This would be as big as you would want to go unless you want to go diving to clean the tank or reach anything in the center even with your head submerged. It is much bigger in person then it looks in the pics. You will definately have to get me in on your big build once you guys get a house :)


I am aware of the difficulties involved in keeping a tank that big. I want it to be similar to Steve Weist's tank, except a little bigger. I know that I will most likely have to walk into the tank to get toward the middle...its a dream...maybe it will become a reality. Lets hope Cora gets a good job once she's done with her physical therapy PhD...cuz lord knows i only contribute so much without an eduction. You will be in on the build...I will post a thread, maybe you can come vacation in Idaho and help me put it in. (whistle)


I cant believe this is around still. $900, thats crazy talk. Materials alone for my new frag tanks was $200 each.....and they are small compared to this monster.

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I tried this and she said I could do it for my next wife... (scary)


come on now rick' date=' you know you can find the room for this, just tell your wife its a present for her, and you'll grow her all kinds of beautiful corals, which you'll have to buy for her to grow, that way you get the tank and new corals, and she gets to think its all for her LOL[/quote']
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Buyer had to back out so guess what this monster is back up for sale!


I need this thing out of the garage so that my mom can park her car on that side. She has be bugging me for the last few weeks and now is really getting on my case.


So... I am going to do something even crazier than before. I am going to offer this beautiful monster of a tank for $500 OBO cash!!!! The stipulation is that whomever wants this tank has to make arrangments to come down with a trailer and a few other guys(willing to lift some decent weight) to get it this week or by the end of the weekend!!!


I am also in need of a couple of lumenmax or lumenarc reflectors, 400w ballasts and the corresponding moguls/cords. If you have something to partially trade, toss me a pm






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