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Finishing my move down from my 29 to a 20H today and I have a question. I've always run my tank with a skimmer (AquaC remora) but I'm thinking -just because of where I want to put my 20 - of running this tank skimmerless...oh it's scarey. I feel like I'm skydiving without a spare chute lol. I'm religious about water changes (5 gallons a week)


I know this is an age old question but are any of you nano folks running skimmerless and how's things going?


I skim wet and when I look at what I'm pulling out I can't imagine leaving that in...maybe I just answered my own question DOH!

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talk to undertaker about it. I think he goes skimmerless on a 110. I think if you are going to keep softies and not too many fish with good water keeping then its fine. But if you are going to have sps and fish I would use a skimmer. I went skimmerless on my 34 solana with sps only and fish, and when I got a skimmer my coral colors got better. and I was doing a minimum 5g a week WC

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I run my 40 skimmerless, and always have. I'm going on 2 years with no problems at all. I have softies, LPS, a clam, and a few fish......and *looks for exits* I am TERRIBLE about water changes. I haven't done one in almost 4 months. Granted, I think the clam in there helps alot with nutrient export since its kinda big, but I don't have any issues and everything looks happy/healthy and is growing. I do intend on doing a water change shortly, but I haven't yet. I don't feed much, and I do watch the bioload pretty carefully. I'd say the only challenge is that I tend to have more algae than other tanks with the same specs, and its harder to keep a clean up crew alive. Now that may be my lack of water changes that hurts the CUC, but I think that the nitrates are likely a little higher in my tank than in others and I've heard that that shortens the life of snails.


If you want to run skimmerless, I don't see any issues with it. I simply didn't have the money after I set this sucker up to buy one and I had run without a skimmer on my cube. That said, someday in the relatively near future, I intend to find/run a backpack type skimmer on this tank so that I can add some more fish to add color and movement.

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I have no skimmer on my 34g planted tank, and haven't done a water change since may. I only did one then because I moved apartment, before that it had been at least 6 months. Being that the tank is a planted tank, you can get away with a bit more IMO, you actually need nutrients.


I ran many soft coral tanks without skimmers for 5 or 6 years. The water changes will help. I did still have some algae issues.


I do run a skimmer on my reef tank now.



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The skimmerless reef aquarium concept is an interesting one. Check out what Steve Tyree has to say on the subject. http://www.dynamicecomorphology.com/ Click the Environmental Gradient button for more on his skimmerless system.


Personally I prefer Leng Sy's approach, but maybe just because I used it with succsess, and maybe because I know Leng.


here is a video link


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