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Finally.....I shut my tank up.


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Geez...after weeks of messing with this thing I got some advice from Kilmca and OMG what a different. I cut out the PVC that I was using from my overflow to my sump and replaced it with 1 inch flex line and a ball valve....everything is wide open and quite as can be. I can now hear the fans on my MH again(clap). As a matter of fact...that is all I hear.:D


Now if I can just get rid of all the microbubbles I would be set.

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Oh you should've gone with black flex hose, algae will grow in the clear ones IME.


It's easy enough to change out when you need to. I was an idiot and changed mine out 3 or 4 times with clear hose until I found the black stuff.


If you switch the fans to the SilenX brand, you won't hear those either. It was kind of eerie for me when I got my tank silent. I would wake up in the middle of the night for months in a panic because the power was off. Then I would have to go and check all the pumps to make sure they were still working. It was a couple months of this until I calmed down.


Glad it's going well for you Eric.

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ugh....if I turn down my flow then it reduces them....but it also create some stagnant water in some sections....I mean yes there is flow....but stuff collects on the surface in the skimmer section. I added a K1 to provide a little stir there but still need some help.

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have you tried possibly trying out a smaller micron size filter sock? i mean, i may be talking out my rear on this one and be totally wrong, but im pretty sure ive read that they have different micron size filter socks, an if this is the case, a smaller one, say the smallest micron size you can find, may just get rid of your microbubbles, or, say running it through 2+ filter socks instead of just one?

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That is what I want to be able to see....if there is air. Also in my return hose I can see the water rushing down....which...serves a purpose....I just can't think of it...but anyway I kinda like being able to view my flow as I feel at some point it will be useful.


Anyone wanna build me a skimmer or swap me for one equivalent to this one? I have a top fathom and I don't know anything else but I do have pic's.

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Wrap the clear tubing in duct tape as mentioned. But leave a small section open so you can still see in. Should allow you the veiw but eliminate much of the algae growth problem.


Microbubbles? In tank? or in sump?

If in sump use something like a filter sock or foam block on the surface to help break the water as it enters the sump.

If in tank, does that mean you are pulling air thru your return pump? Is there air in the lines?

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Air is in tank....I have no air in the lines that I can see...it just seems to be pulling air all the way from the first chamber where the overflow dumps.


Note on the tubing algae issue, I do have a black back on my tank. I took some pic's today and will be posting them shortly. But I noticed today that my tubes get no light from my tank light anyway....but they do get a bit of sunlight.DOH!

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