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evaporated sea, salt


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ya got a bucket from bob of DD is good salt, but the MG is pretty low. I even stirred the salt up hoping that it had settled toward the bottom... no luck. It does mix really well and does have some debris in it, which they state on the container that where will be.... mine had a small pebble and some little flecks of brown stuff that floated to the surface after i mixed up a batch. This salt is made in Israel which makes me wonder if it is related to any of the Red Sea brand of items.

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Not sure on d-d salt but the H2Ocean developed by them is the same as your all talking about. It was the worst salt I have ever used. Cal was at 580+ and dk 5. I was worried that my test kit's where bad but took samples to Jason and it tested the same. Went back to Kent and no problems. It was a expensive experience for the pocket book and the tank.

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I think they MAY adjust the params from the original salt but it is definitely made in the same factory. Look at the DD vs the Red sea coral pro buckets... same crappy design


Interesting! so are you saying that it isnt natural sea salt like it states, but man made. Or maybe theres only a small % that is natural and its combined with man made?


Heres a question for the masses, if the salt is all natural sea salt, then why dose it halfto be done in a tropical environment? why couldnt someone do it here? What would be the diff. between the sea water params here and the params over there?

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