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Why was snorkelwasp banned?


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Can a moderator fill me in? I didnt see anything vulgar from his statements. Maybe it got cleaned up. Just trying to sort through all the usual stuff that happens on this site. Nothing new, same ol same ol.



PS- I also agree with the fact that we do have some stuff in out of bounds that is much worse than the word . Do we really wanna go through and fix everyones sig that upsets someone?? That could go on forever! Later

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To my knowledge it just a 5 day ban if he wants to get past this and be a part of the club instead of being a problem when simply asked to remove something he can be. The stuff he mentioned has been looked into and also wont be tolerated but he needs to get past himself as well but I already posted my view on that everyone here is valuable but there are limits.

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I guess I don't understand why he was banned. He removed his signature correct? Wasn't that the issue?? Please elaborate.


He did then kept stirring the pot when asked to back off he kept stirring, it was a tad ridiculous as most would have said OK no problem instead he has gone completely other direction.

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I think the club DOES have the right to ask someone to remove something from thier sig, avatar, etc.


I think he overreacted a bit to it and that is the reason for the ban imo. As far as the stuff that he claims to be offensive in the out of bounds section, thats the reason its called the out of bounds section. There are a couple of jokes in the jokes thread that are middle eastern oriented and are probably off color/bad taste. I have posted a couple of jokes in that thread but they arent racist to the best of my knowledge. I have a bunch of jokes that I know would offend quite a few people and thats why they didnt get posted. I try to stick by the old saying that if you wouldnt say it in front of your mother then you probably should'nt say it in public. I dont think there is anything excessively inflammitory in the jokes but perhaps people could be more sensitive to others when posting things, even in the out of bounds forum. If I were from a middle eastern country I could possibly take offense with a few off color jokes in there but im not so I didnt get offended.


Overall I think the situation got blown out of control and cooler heads will eventually prevail. I think if people want to argue and provoke others they can stick to ReefCentral....lol

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Well guys I guess I have been enlightened.


All I asked was for a simple answer to a simple question. No big deal but Im just very suprised in how some of the board members have responded in pms to me.

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