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WTB Black and white clowns


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Just be sure that if you buy clowns from an LFS that you check the source. IME any that come from the local wholesaler have a low survival rate. So low in fact that out of around 5 that I have purchased that I knew came from there not a single one survived past 2 weeks. At the time I did not know how poor the survival rates were for clownfish in general so I bit the cost on them but to do it over again I would have returned them. I currently have 4 surviving clownfish that came from established tanks which is how I prefer to get any fish and another 4 that are known to have come from Barelycuda (2 of which came from him directly) yjat are all doing great. I have no experience with the ORA livestock but if I were shopping at an LFS for clowns (I do get fish from Davy Jones Locker though and consider them one of the top LFS for purchasing fish) I would first be sure I shopped at an LFS that has an excellent survival rate (don't take their word for it but rather ask around) and would also be sure they are not coming from the local wholesaler. From what I have seen ORA seems to provide hardy livestock albeit a little more costly than some. (Not trying to stir anything up but rather just passing on my experience and what I would do based on that experience)


One other thing to consider is whether to get the European Black and Whites or the Australian ones. European ones will have yellow on their face that continues on into the adult fish whereas Australian ones will have yellow as juveniles and the face will turn black as adults. (The ones you saw in my tank last night are Australian) The australian ones will cost a little more to buy normally.

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Just be sure that if you buy clowns from an LFS that you check the source. IME any that come from the local wholesaler (Island Marine) have a low survival rate. So low in fact that out of around 5 that I have purchased that I knew came from there not a single one survived past 2 weeks. At the time I did not know how poor the survival rates were for clownfish in general so I bit the cost on them but to do it over again I would have returned them. I currently have 4 surviving clownfish that came from established tanks which is how I prefer to get any fish and another 4 that are known to have come from Barelycuda (2 of which came from him directly). I have no experience with the ORA livestock but if I were shopping at an LFS for clowns (I do get fish from Davy Jones Locker though and consider them one of the top LFS for purchasing fish) I would first be sure I shopped at an LFS that has an excellent survival rate (don't take their word for it but rather ask around) and would also be sure they are not coming from the local wholesaler. From what I have seen ORA seems to provide hardy livestock albeit a little more costly than some. (Not trying to stir anything up but rather just passing on my experience and what I would do based on that experience)


One other thing to consider is whether to get the European Black and Whites or the Australian ones. European ones will have yellow on their face that continues on into the adult fish whereas Australian ones will have yellow as juveniles and the face will turn black as adults. (The ones you saw in my tank last night are Australian) The australian ones will cost a little more to buy normally.


Can you elaborate on "low survival rate"? In my experience when fish die it is for a reason. To say that because they come from that particular company they will die is a pretty blanket statement.

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Does't barelycuda "dave" have a hatch of them now? I would contact him and ask. He knows all in the clown world!!


He does... I just got a PM from him, they are still too small to sell, So I think I will try to be patient and wait for him to sell them to me!


Thanks for the advice Rick. I have had great survival rate on the ones I have and didn't know there were two kinds of black perculas! Good things to keep in mind... and will support the locals! (clap)



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Can you elaborate on "low survival rate"? In my experience when fish die it is for a reason. To say that because they come from that particular company they will die is a pretty blanket statement.


The low survival rate I deduced form a number of sources. One was through several of hours of internet searches that turned up numerous reports indicating that it is common for clowns to die for no apparent reason within about 10 days of arriving at the LFS. Another was from talking to several LFS and others about the same issue although I will not pass on the details of the conversations (They can if they feel compelled to do so). Keep in mind I had 5 of these clowns die for no apparent reason while other fish seemed to do just fine and I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. I never did find out why but instead turned up enough information to determine it is a common problem. Since then I have had the opportunity to buy clowns from other sources (8 other clowns in all) and the only ones that this happened with were those 5 from that 1 source. Perhaps it was something I did (At the time I thought it was) but in retrospect I no longer believe that was the case.


Please note again: I am simply passing on my experience for anyone else to take for whatever it is worth. (I more or less said this in my previous post) I do believe that buying from a reputable LFS with a known good survival rate and checking the source is sound advice regardless of what LFS or source it does come from.

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He does... I just got a PM from him, they are still too small to sell, So I think I will try to be patient and wait for him to sell them to me!



Excellent. I wouldn't hesitate to get them from him. As I recall the 2 pair of adults he has look similar to mine.

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The low survival rate I deduced form a number of sources. One was through several of hours of internet searches that turned up numerous reports indicating that it is common for clowns to die for no apparent reason within about 10 days of arriving at the LFS. Another was from talking to several LFS and others about the same issue although I will not pass on the details of the conversations (They can if they feel compelled to do so). Keep in mind I had 5 of these clowns die for no apparent reason while other fish seemed to do just fine and I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. I never did find out why but instead turned up enough information to determine it is a common problem. Since then I have had the opportunity to buy clowns from other sources (8 other clowns in all) and the only ones that this happened with were those 5 from that 1 source. Perhaps it was something I did (At the time I thought it was) but in retrospect I no longer believe that was the case.


Please note again: I am simply passing on my experience for anyone else to take for whatever it is worth. (I more or less said this in my previous post) I do believe that buying from a reputable LFS with a known good survival rate and checking the source is sound advice regardless of what LFS or source it does come from.


Interesting. Thanks for the response. The reason I asked was I just got 2 b/w clowns from upscales and wanted to know what I should look for as I don't want to lose them (nono). One was like 3 weeks ago and the other about 1 week ago. They seem to be doing good. They seem also to have paired some what (naughty). The first one I got is like twice the size as the second.

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Interesting. Thanks for the response. The reason I asked was I just got 2 b/w clowns from upscales and wanted to know what I should look for as I don't want to lose them (nono). One was like 3 weeks ago and the other about 1 week ago. They seem to be doing good. They seem also to have paired some what (naughty). The first one I got is like twice the size as the second.


3 weeks is a good sign. Did you find out how long they were at the store before you got them? That's another thing I try to check. I haven't bought any from Upscales so I don't have any experience there other than what I have seen going into the store. The times I have been in there though the fish and corals all looked healthy. (I get by there almost daily but it's at 3 AM)


BTW, Do you have any pics?

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I know the first one I got had been there for a little while but the second was just in! I will have pics soon when I start my tank thread.....I'm a slacker and can't use my camera for chit..:) The larger one is completley black and the small one has an orangish face but he is younger I think.

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