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reactor plumbing


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Does anyone see a potential problem with plumbing a UV sterilizer, phosphate reactor and carbon reactor in-line in that order? Whould you switch something? Delete or add something?


Question 2: How many fish should you have maximum in a 50 gallon tank? If 2 are engineer gobies, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 khole tang, 1 leopard wrasse, 1 clown and it's hosted anenomie, how many others would you add? I also have 10 snails, 3 peppermint and 1 cleaner shrimp and a few red scarlett legged hermits a small urchin , sea cucumber and a clam.





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I know everyone has there own opinion, so imo ya shouldnt need all those things, unless you have a issue with something ie parisites or skimmerless or the like. As for the # of fish that really is up to your husbandry and equipment. Ya could have 100 fish if ya had a HUGE skimmer and did major waterchanges weekly, but that dives into not enouph swimming room for the fish. Id say if you have good peramiters and you feel ya can add more fish without jeperdising water quality then go for it just be sure that you dont have to many grazers or pod eaters in there, add more fish that mainly eat prepaired foods you provide.

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Thanks for the opinion..appreciated. I have had a battle with ich and have been adding chemicals to combat it. Thats where the thought of the UV and carbon came in. I also think I may have too many fish ( unless you talk to my wife) and that's where the phosphate reactor idea spawned from. I got a smokin deal on them and thought they couldn't hurt. It's a 50 gal and I do 20% water change every week or so.


Any other's???

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Here is another way to do it. BRS likes to seperate the media. Here is the link:


Click on the utube player and play at appx. 2:45 or so.

Saying all this I would differ to Miles on 99.99% of things. He has truly forgotton more than I know!

For the next few days I am in on a SLC group buy, so if you need anything I can order at the lowest price listed for the next week. I kinda like the reactors.........

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was the leopard wrasse the last fish ya put in? Did the ick show up after you added your last fish? Your fish are stressed about something, you can do everything but untill ya releave the stress you wont get rid of the Ick.


Imo using your return pump as your pump through the UV is way to much GPH through it for it to be usefull! Ya drive a car through a carwash at 100mph is it going to be clean? and do a little reserch on the uv bulbs, Ive herd from salesmen that the bulbs instantly start loosing there efectaveness and should be replaced every 6 monthes, shure he was trying to sell more bulbs to the store but there was logic in his speach and he could be right.

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was the leopard wrasse the last fish ya put in? Did the ick show up after you added your last fish? Your fish are stressed about something, you can do everything but untill ya releave the stress you wont get rid of the Ick.


Imo using your return pump as your pump through the UV is way to much GPH through it for it to be usefull! Ya drive a car through a carwash at 100mph is it going to be clean? and do a little reserch on the uv bulbs, Ive herd from salesmen that the bulbs instantly start loosing there efectaveness and should be replaced every 6 monthes, shure he was trying to sell more bulbs to the store but there was logic in his speach and he could be right.


Depends on your return pump. Obviously if you have a 3000gph return it wouldn't work but we are talking a 50gal here. A 8watt UV sterilizer suggests a max of about 650gph. I seriously doubt he's running that thru a 50gal.

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