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(sad) today my yellow eyed Kole tang died. Fell victim to a case of ich that it couldn't fight off. The little guy had been doing poorly for about two weeks now. Normally they fight it off and I just leave them alone. I dont beleive in QT as I have lost more fish from QT than I have letting them naturally fight it off. Still dont know why it would have had issues. the other fish are ok and all tank perams have been fine. Maybe just a week fish?

RIP you will be missed and soon replaced(clap)

that being said who has a small Kole tang about 2'' that looks like this one



This poor guy was really hoping to win POTM

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Bummer man! They are one of the most beautiful tangs that is for sure.


I would wait about 6 weeks or so to get another one if you want to be really safe. That is about the time for a complete ich cycle to get out of the system. Chances are your other fish have it but are just not affected by it and probably wont be. I have a few tangs in right now that have the slightest sign of ich. It happens alot when new fish come in and then it just goes away. That is what happens when you don't medicate your tanks and have new fish unfortunately. Luckily they almosts always are clear of it a week or so later.

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ya I have been through it all with tangs and ich in my other tank. I found that leaving them alone and not medicating worked more often then when I tried to medicate and QT. I figure the week die and the strong fight through and are great fish for a long time to come.


Yep...I beleive in good water quality...stable temps and a varied diet of fresh and frozen seafood soaked in vitamins. I use Boyds vitachem....it keeps the fish fat and colors vibrant for sure.

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I think every tang gets it. there is no way around it


I agree, my Blue Tang still gets ich on occasion and i've had it for about 3 years. It easily gets stressed if i have my hand in the tank too much or the Clown Tang chases it too much i'll notice a few white spots but they are usually gone in a few days.

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