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Montipora question


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Some of my Monti.'s are looking kinda wierd.

Some show what looks like RTN white areas. Others seem darker in coloration, while some others are lighter in coloration. And almost everyone has less PE. This has just happened in the last few days, maybe a week.


No new additions in tank since last months meeting.

No new fish or inverts.

LPS and acros look the same as usual.

Going out to test water parameters now. I'll post them when done.



Anyone have any ideas what I should look for?

What might be the culprit?




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I looked at several of the monti's and saw nothing that would make think I found nudi's. Seems weird that it would start all of a sudden...... since it has been nearly a month since anything has been added to the tank. Figured if I had nudi's the damage would have shown up before now.


I will look again tomorrow. Can't hurt to double check, right.


No, I have not had any temperature swings. Heater is on controller and temps go from 76-77 in the morning to 80-81 at the end of the day. Those are very normal and have been that way since the tank was re set-up, 3 months ago.


Lights are off. I will try to post pictures tomorrow also.


Anyone else have any ideas?

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Let me guess that the spots are about the size of a pee. I have the same thing that happens to a few in my tank as well. My orange Monti, Green slimer, and a couple other sps. The spots last for about a week or two and then they heal up and are gone till it happens again in month or two.

I havent been able to find what it is that I am doing so far and have been trying to keep the water as stable as I can. I will keep a eye here as to hope you find what it is.

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Let me guess that the spots are about the size of a pee. I have the same thing that happens to a few in my tank as well. My orange Monti, Green slimer, and a couple other sps. The spots last for about a week or two and then they heal up and are gone till it happens again in month or two.

I havent been able to find what it is that I am doing so far and have been trying to keep the water as stable as I can. I will keep a eye here as to hope you find what it is.


No they are't pea sized spots.

They are more of just 'blobs'. Random in shape. Some don't show white spots..... they are just dis-colored. Hope they heal up soon.

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I was thinking.... do you have any kind of fish that might nip at polyps? I have a flame angel that will occasionally nip at a few sps when its getting hungry. I have noticed that if I keep it well fed that I wont have any issues. Maybe this is what caused the spots.



Just tangs, mandrain, LMB, and an Emporer Angel, who has only nipped LPS.

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I thought in my system that it was the dkh that was off so I got a Calciam reactor and that was fixxed with that, now I thinking it is Ph dropping in the night or the salianty getting high from evaporation,


Still I get the same thing about once a month. Not the fish and not nudi's as I have had them and know what to look for.


Some day I will find the problem.

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I looked at several of the monti's and saw nothing that would make think I found nudi's. Seems weird that it would start all of a sudden...... since it has been nearly a month since anything has been added to the tank. Figured if I had nudi's the damage would have shown up before now.


I will look again tomorrow. Can't hurt to double check, right.


No, I have not had any temperature swings. Heater is on controller and temps go from 76-77 in the morning to 80-81 at the end of the day. Those are very normal and have been that way since the tank was re set-up, 3 months ago.


Lights are off. I will try to post pictures tomorrow also.


Anyone else have any ideas?


I once got a purple monti frag from a member that had this cute little white mop headed thing that would poke his head out sometimes and I thought how cute. 8 or 9 months later I found out the hadr way that he was a she and had millions of babies that wiped out my montis



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I looked again and still didn't see any.


All my monti's are still in the same shape they were when I started this thread.

None have gotten better......... none have gotten worse. (scratch)


I'm thinking it has to be water quality. Possibly high salinity.

I just think it's weird that the monti's are showing weird signs and not any Acro's.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well update time:


All of the monti.'s have regained their color except the green digitata.

The Orange digi. still looks like it is missing polyps/flesh but has regained its color. Kinda looks like a layer was removed and it is growing back. Like a cut would on your hand.


So I never did find a real anwser to why this happened but they appear to be recovering.

All I did do was lower my salinity a little. Maybe it was higher then my tester was reading.

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Well update time:


All of the monti.'s have regained their color except the green digitata.

The Orange digi. still looks like it is missing polyps/flesh but has regained its color. Kinda looks like a layer was removed and it is growing back. Like a cut would on your hand.


So I never did find a real anwser to why this happened but they appear to be recovering.

All I did do was lower my salinity a little. Maybe it was higher then my tester was reading.


And you added carbon. What salt you using?

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