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Raising ALK


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I was curious what people do to raise and keep their alkalinity stable. Mine was pretty low and I found out that was a portion of why I was having algae issues. Since I started raising it, my hair algae has almost gone all away and my tank has cleared up quite well.


My issue is it keeps dropping.


i use Seachem reef builder, I dose when ever I think about it, but I cant seem to get it to come up to 4-5 meq/L. It seems to stay at about 3.


Do I need to dose throughout the day until it comes up? Once its there, what is a good way to keep it up?

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I use baking soda (my ph is right). I think is my salt mix (kent) which is very rich in calcium but not able to keep my alk up in my tank.

I also buffer the water before to perform a water change. Since I started buffering it seems to stay there (4meq). I also dose kalk at night.

I noticed less algae too, sadly also some I like in my fuge are dying :-(


Some other useful links:


and the related flash calculator with the 4 zones:




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+1 for the kent superbuffer dkh, I have a Calcium reactor so I dont have to add KH any more, but when I did the Kent product was what disolved and worked best.

My reactor keeps the Ca at 450 and KH at 10.5, so I "set it and forget it"

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So are you saying use baking soda right out of the box the same as the reef builder? Or is there something you have to do to the baking soda first?


You just need to add water and it works the same.


I found that adding all of the baking soda I need to the top off keeps my Alk pretty stable. Every time the auto top off kicks on, the tank is being dosed for alk. Way eaiser for me then remembering to dose the bottle stuff everyday.


I don't have a reactor or kalk dripper either, but this way is still pretty easy. Be prepared to start adding calcium though as the increased alk seems to speed up the need for calcium and magnesium IME.



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