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sand from oregon beach


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I have half a bucket of old argonite sand from when I moved my 65g left over. Your welcome to it. Might have some dead stuff in it, I never really cleaned it, but it should be fine if it is going in a new tank which will be going through the a cycle IMO. I wouldn't put it all in an exsisting tank.


I went with barely any sand in the setup now, the flow just made the water to cloudy otherwise.


LMK, I'm still at Reflections.


Nice! Can I swing by tomorrow night? Yeah, I'll rinse it out real good. I'm only going to be doing an inch at most in my new tank.

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As others have mentioned, you will want to stay clear of silica based sand. It does not provide proper ph buffering for our systems and can tend to leach silicates and heavy metals into our systems. I have heard of nothing but bad luck long term when it is used as sand for a reef system. Aragonite or calcium carbonate based substrate is the way to go. Also as mention, it is really hard to get that nice white look out of silica based sands like that found on our coast.



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I've read that you can use white dolomite as substrate.

My tank is 8 months old now with a dolomite substrate. It's working quite well and my sandsifter has been in there since the get go and he's great. Other than moving all of my sand around. I just bought the fine dolomite that they use for raising the ph in gardens?? anyway, that worked great.

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Tomorrow night is cool with me, the wife is making a nice dinner but before or after might be cool. Not sure what time I get off work, just however long it takes to photograph 65 cheer leaders.


You still have my number?


dude your job never quits does it,, all those hours!


I know where you can find southdown in 50# bags for $15!!

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Sean, YGPM


Benny, Actually I do this Sunday. I'll pay a ninety cash for the day. I basically need someone to carry around a heavy light with a generator strapped to it. I have 14 sittings at the Rose Garden. Mostly families.


Joel, Ya I still work about 60-70 hours a week. Doing something I love 90% of the time. It's awesome.


BTW there seems to be some misconception here. There cheerleaders I am photographing are between 8-13 years old. They're little kids. Ya it will be fun, I'm sure they will be cute, but might not be what yall had in mind. My work is mostly with families and kids. Sorry to disappoint.


I really am looking for a light guy. The guy I have been using is going back to Gonzaga on Friday. If anyone is looking for a job in photography/ customer service position, let me know like yesterday. We interviewed 15 people today.

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Joel, Ya I still work about 60-70 hours a week. Doing something I love 90% of the time. It's awesome.


BTW there seems to be some misconception here. There cheerleaders I am photographing are between 8-13 years old. They're little kids. Ya it will be fun, I'm sure they will be cute, but might not be what yall had in mind. My work is mostly with families and kids. Sorry to disappoint.



So disappointed. :-) I know if they are over 18 then R-3 and his buddies will do it for a lot less the ninety. Good luck finding someone to help, that is time I know there will be lots of people looking for quick cash. Try craigslist.

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I've been slowely replacing my southdown with white silica sand which i picked up 100lbs for 8 bucks. Been doing this for going on 2 years so i'm pretty much all silica sand. I have no algae problems save for the red turf stuff that came on the rock. Silica will not leech out of it. If that were true, the glass your tank is made out of would be leeching silica as well. Made from the same stuff!! Curtis had all silica in his 72 bowfront, and has all silica in his new deep dimension tank too. Lots of pure silica sand tanks over on RC.


Anyway just another option for ya.

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I've been slowely replacing my southdown with white silica sand which i picked up 100lbs for 8 bucks. Been doing this for going on 2 years so i'm pretty much all silica sand. I have no algae problems save for the red turf stuff that came on the rock. Silica will not leech out of it. If that were true, the glass your tank is made out of would be leeching silica as well. Made from the same stuff!! Curtis had all silica in his 72 bowfront, and has all silica in his new deep dimension tank too. Lots of pure silica sand tanks over on RC.


Anyway just another option for ya.


Is there a reason why you are replacing sand?


Yeah I've been doing tons of reading and found info stating that silica sand was safe...well depending on the source. I just don't like the color choices of silica sand we have around here. Where did you get yours?


Also read that the buffering aspect of aragonite is overrated, or something to that effect.

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Pool filter sand? I know I'm new to this but aren't you supposed to not use silica sand?


Glass tanks are made of silica (sand). The "don't use silica sand or risk diatoms" myth is a myth. The silica will dissolve a little, and it may fuel a small diatom bloom, but tanks have that anyway. Using silica sand is not an issue for most.


It was sold as Southdown sand for a while.


Mostly this is hear-say. I have not used silica sand in my tank before, but others have reported no problems.



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Is there a reason why you are replacing sand?


Yeah I've been doing tons of reading and found info stating that silica sand was safe...well depending on the source. I just don't like the color choices of silica sand we have around here. Where did you get yours?


Also read that the buffering aspect of aragonite is overrated, or something to that effect.


It keeps clumping into hard as rock pieces, so i remove those clumps and replace with the silica. The stuff i got is from Willamette Greystone, they are a supplier of stone, pavers, rocks and stuff like that. Its pure white, really nice IMO. I think its used for sand blasting a lot.


Randy Holmes-Farley actually doses silica into his reef tank. And Ron Shimek did a study and found that silica sand actually provides a better environment for sand dwelling critters. I have it bookmarked at home i think i'll check when i get home tonight.

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Glass tanks are made of silica (sand). The "don't use silica sand or risk diatoms" myth is a myth. The silica will dissolve a little, and it may fuel a small diatom bloom, but tanks have that anyway. Using silica sand is not an issue for most.


It was sold as Southdown sand for a while.


Mostly this is hear-say. I have not used silica sand in my tank before, but others have reported no problems.




Im pretty sure southdown is NOT silica sand,, thats why so many people use it.

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