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sand from oregon beach


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is it like straight from the dunes? you never know whats in that. I might start a tank with it and test. But I would not add it to an existing tank. My 2 cents:D


The guy on the phone said it was dune sand. How fine are the grains? Haven't been to the beach in a long time so don't remember.

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FWIW, the dune sand here will do you no good really. It won't help buffer ph, and it is very possible it will be contaminated with sewage and petroleum products. Best to not experiment with it. Besides, it will be an ugly brown color, who wants that?!?!?!

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Dune sand? Thats setting yourself up for disaster! Better off going a ways down or up the beach and getting sand out of the surf for free! just take it home and rince it off and maybe do a water change and use the old water to cycle the sand in then maybe add a fish or two just to see, then add to tank if all's good. I set up a coldwater for a short time and the sand I dug from the beach and used in the cold water setup went into my reef when the coldwater was taken down. All was well!!

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you can get pool filter sand in 50lb bags for cheap and it looks just the same. give it a rinse and its good to go. I have used it in past tanks
Looks the same as? Dune Sand? or Aragonite? I've been trying to find white play sand for a few weeks now and haven't been able to locate any locally.
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they have white play sand at HD. The pool filter sand looks about like oregon coast sand. Honestly I wouldn't use dune sand or the filter sand. It all looks brown when wet.

I have been at florance in the pouring rain and the dunes were brown.

The white play sand might be ok


Which HD? I looked up here and wasn't able to find it. From what I understand it normally is aragonite.

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Only southdown was aragonite, which they only sell in the eastcoast, it's under a diff name now though I think. I checked lowes for playsand and it was dark and ugly. Toys R us has white play sand, but was sold out at the one near me.


I've read that you can use white dolomite as substrate.

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I have half a bucket of old argonite sand from when I moved my 65g left over. Your welcome to it. Might have some dead stuff in it, I never really cleaned it, but it should be fine if it is going in a new tank which will be going through the a cycle IMO. I wouldn't put it all in an exsisting tank.


I went with barely any sand in the setup now, the flow just made the water to cloudy otherwise.


LMK, I'm still at Reflections.

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