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Rick's 125g Reef Build


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Thats looks awsome! If im ever in the area i really want to take a look if you dont mind. I've been wanting to put in a fuge but havent really figured out how to plumb it in but after looking at yours i have an idea how now' date=' never thought about drilling.[/quote']


Don't mind at all. I thought about a u-tube between them as well but this works better and I wasn't going to be out much if it didn't work. (I picked up the 20g long for almost nothing)

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Some pics of the Candy Canes:




If you look close you can see the head in front beginning to split. (It has two mouths/eyes now)



This is the teal one.



The Bright Radioactive green one. (The color here is close but I've found it impossible to match the brilliant color seen on this in person, it glows with just lights in the room turned on)



This is a different variety of teal from the one above with stripes in it







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Update and Current FTS. Since the last update I've added more LR and sand in both the sump and refugium which came from my 40g which I tore down and sold. In addition to this my Snowflake Eel, Lemonpeel Angel, & Cinnamon Clown were all transfered to this tank. I did move the maroon clowns to the refugium until I get my frag tank set up as the rest of the clowns were picking on them too much. To keep the Eel from jumping I picked up some Chrome Egg Crate which I put over the tank. I chose the chrome as I was worried I would lose light. An interesting side effect of the chrome is that it actually focuses more light down into the tank making it brighter.




Note: I am currently working on a backdrop that will cover the right side of the tank to hide the overflow somewhat and to cover the plumbing. I will also be building a small frag tank which will sit beside this tank and share the same sump.


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Another Update. Over the last week there were a bunch of changes. First was last weekend when I added a nice Lobophilia and a shrimp/goby pair. My yellow/gold head sleepr goby disappeared that evening as well and became what I believe to be a snack for my snowflake eel. Then on monday or tuesday I added a beautiful neon velvet damsel. I knew better than to add a damsel but obviously wasn't thinking clearly.(scratch) (I think maybe I sniffed too much Ocean Pure or something ;) ) The next day this evil damsel was munching on all of my Zoas so I decided to remove it that evening. I also got a call from DJL that day letting me know my Niger Trigger came in and I ran over to pick it up so the trigger was put in to replace the one I lost last week. When I decided to get the damsel out though things got really interesting. That evil damsel was smarter than the average and would not be caught using the flashlight at night technique I've used in the past. It instead chose the largest pile of rocks to hide under. In the end I pulled out the rubbermaid totes and pulled almost every coral and rock out of the tank to get it. While I had the rocks out I decided to make an attempt at putting a backdrop in that I had been working on for a week or two. Note to others, the spray insulation foam is extremely bouyant and enough for a nice backdrop will require just as much rock to hold it down. In the end I gave up on the backdrop after I slipped and cracked a rib (I think) on the top edge of the tank. Most of that day I rested and tried to let the water clear enough to get everything back into the tank. To make matters worse I discovered I had left my credit card over at DJL the evening before so I had to run over there again to get it. While I was there I saw a nice Fuzzy Dwarf Lion that they had just received that I thought about for a bit and decided to get. While this was sort of an impulse it was not without some prior research as I had considered getting one awhile back but decided against it because of some smaller fish I had. Since my tank was already torn apart and most of the smaller fish out already though it was the perfect opportunity. I brought it home and pulled out the Purple Firefish and Shrimp/Goby pair. The shrimp/goby pair went into a specimen container in the sump and the firefish into the refugium. (The firefish will go into my frag tank along with my maroon clowns as soon as it is ready) Most of the rocks were put back into the tank along with the Lionfish. The next couple of days as the water started to clear I rearranged the rocks and added the corals back into the tank. I also discovered that my hammer was missing and scoured the tank looking for it and managed to find it under the sand buried. It had been there for three days and only the skeleton was showing so I don't think it will recover. This of course stirred up the tank again though so I had to wait another day to really rearrange the rocks. By Saturday though I managed to get the rocks rearranged again and all of the corals moved into places they seem happy with. Later today I'll try to get anothe full tank shot with the new aquascape. This one I like a bit better as it has more arches in it, utilizes the left side of the tank more, camouflages the overflow somewhat, and leaves a bit more open sand on the bottom. I also was able to add in some extensions in back to the closed loop returns that help get the water moving at the top of the tank so all in all the experience turned out better for the tank. (Now if my ribs will heal I'll be happy again) By Sunday the tank was pretty much clear with just a slight cloudiness to it. I also picked up a few new additions for the tank as well at the PNWMAS meeting Sunday. These included 2 Elephant Skin frags and a nice RBTA (Thanks Calvin) plus a couple of hammers (Thanks Dennis). Quite an interesting week huh? Well here are a few pics. I'll try to get more today of the the corals and anemone added yesterday along with a FTS.


The Lobo:




The new Niger Trigger




Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish










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Nice trigger .


Thanks, When I ordered it I asked Dave (DJL) to get one that would be close to the size of my Purple Tang or just slightly larger to be sure the tang would not be able to bother it much. The one that came in turned out to be the perfect size. The tang tried to bully it for about 2 minutes and then gave up. This one has just a little more of a blue tint than the previous one which gives it a really nice color.

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nice....I picked up a pink tail myself. I am considering adding another trigger. I can't recall the name it was something like Saragusm or something like that.


We looked at both the Blue Throat and the Pink Tail before I ordered this one but decided to stick with the Niger since we enjoyed the first one so much. We also looked at a Surgasum awhile back but I couldn't bring myself to spend that much money on one. One thing I can say is that they have loads of personality and love being the center of attention.

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To add to the update this morning here is a FTS and some shots of the 3 formations I ended up with this time.


Full Tank Shot:



Left Formation (2 pics), this has a large cave inside with an arch on the outside. It also has most of the coral frags on it:




Center Formation, this turned out to be kind of a pillar with a small arch on the right side. Being a semi shaded portion of the tank it has fewer frags at the bottom with a couple of the more demading ones towards the top. I'm using this area as an acclimation area for new frags to let them adjust some to the lights:



Right Formation, this formation is intended to somewhat obscure the overflow and allow the powerhead to blend in somewhat. The left side and top ledge is a stronger light area where I will keep some of the higher light demanding corals. The right side gets the least amount of light and will eventually get the least demanding corals placed there when they will fit:







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  • 4 weeks later...

Another small update.


Since the last update I added in the growout tank detailed in this thread for the build http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14514 and this thread for the spiral builb growout experiment http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14727


I also added a third 250w MH light to the center and moved the 400w lights out some so they are evenly spaced to get rid of most of the shadow in the center.


I added a gold headed sleeper goby to replace the one that disappeared a couple of weeks ago as well and added a few corals. (Some were moved to the growout tank and some to the display)


A lot of pineapple spongs growing now along with other sponges and pods. Caught a glimpse of a bristle worm earlier tonight and the tiny turbo snail population is also growing nicely, a bunch of tiny featherdusters can be seen scattered on the back wall and on the rocks as well. I see a bunch of new snail eggs too. (Apparently I scraped enough of this stuff from the old tank to seed this one pretty well)


Here are a couple of current FTS:




Here is a green mushroom with stripes: (Actually a couple of them as there is at least one small one growing next to the large one)



One of the Kenya Tree Corals: (I actually added 2 that are about the same size)



Here is a Pipe Organ Coral I added, also a purple sponge from the same place: (This was a prize from a recent challenge Kleen Ur K9 & Salt Water Supply did.)







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Here are some current shots of some of the corals. These seem to be doing particularly well.


Red Mushroom. (About double the size it was after the tank was first set up, one of the Elephant Skin frags can be seen behind it as well)



Hydnophora slowly encrusting over a small piece I cut off awhile back, Teal Candy Canes opening nicely with good color.



GSP growing and has better color than it ever has before. It really stands out now.



Chocolate Mint Candy Canes look good although the brown is a bit pale under the bright lights. 3 heads have 2 mouths now.



Fungia has grown a little and each night it balloons up to clean itself.







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  • 1 year later...

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