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Anyone dosing vodka/sugar/vinegar?


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Just curious who has been dosing vodka or other carbon sources and how its working for you. I'm considering it to try and rid my tank of this red turf algae. Mexican turbos keep it mowed down close to the rock, but i'd like to see if i can get rid of it for good, as well as bubble algae.


Do you have any before and after shots?


What is your dosing schedule?


Are you dosing an additional bacteria source?

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Dosing vodka/Microbacter 7 originally...


Continuing but slowly switching to ZEObac/ZEOstart...


Added a phosphate reactor...



Phosphates with Hanna reader--0


Now just waiting for hair algae to die off...


Here's a link to vodka dosing schedule...






How long have you been dosing? How would you say it has effected your corals?

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I was dosing a sugar water solution into both of my tanks. I have slacked off in the last few weeks. When I was going strong I would dissolve 1 cup of sugar in a 20 oz water bottle of RO/DI water. I would add 20 ml to my 75g and 10 ml to my 40b daily. It kicked back the hair algae problem that I had in the 40b.


Since I stopped, I have had a problem with red cotton-candy algae (probably the same that you have) in my 40b tank. It was a minor issue while I was dosing, now it is becoming a larger issue. I already started dosing the sugar again.


One problem that I have noticed when I dose sugar, there is more anoxic/anaerobic regions in my sand bed. Most of the sandbed (except the top few mm) turns black and smells of sulfide (rotten eggs). It makes me want to be cautious because I don't like the possibility of having a tank crash due to sulfide. It is probably from the detritus buildup in my sand. The bacteria get a carbon source, and start to go to town on breaking down the detritus, then they use up all the oxygen. So they die, and make more detritus... Eventually the cycle must end, and it should, eventually, have a cleaning effect on the sand. But in the meantime, I am nervous.



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I have been doing the Zeovit with reactor for about 4 mo. Nitrate and phosphate are now 0 (D-D phos test). Nitrates started about 25 after the tank move. I went this way because even with a pos reactor getting this low, my nitrates were hard to get to 0. With Zeovit both came down. I use basic 4, plus am now adding some others (AA, Pols xtra, coral vitalizer). There is no algae in the display tank, but my small frag tank is connected to same sump and it does get some algae and cyano growth (no fish to pick?).

My tank is bare bottom and I do not have a any macro in sump. My hope is to be able to keep things stable by not getting the accumulation of things over time (2-4 years) and the often talked about tank crash. When I took down my previous 200 gal tank the stench from the goo in crushed rock bottom was bad. This was after about 7 years of being set up. When my head was in the tank trying to remove the crushed rock I told myself never again would I want that sh__ in my tank.

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Well I can "half answer" I suppose...


Since I've gotten into this hobby last year, I've always fought to keep my SPS alive (let alone growing), and in some instances some nuisance algae at bay. Along the way, just recently, I began dosing vodka for the sake of my SPS. I'm manually dosing 2.2-2.4mL each night at feeding time (29g display, 5g sump), and since hitting that level, my NO3 never gets above 1-2ppm (I could/should probably dose more). My PO4 reads 0 per my RedSea kit, but without a Hanna I can never be positive. However, I'm both vodka dosing and running GFO in a reactor, so I'm inclined to believe that I should have no PO4.


After sorting through everything and still battling coral growth/health issues, I finally replaced my old 150W Odysea MH for a PFO 400W setup. So far, so good...I'm happy.

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I know barleycuda Dave is running an extensive vodka reactor setup. He explained it to me before he went up to the conference in Tri Cities.He runs a non sulfur reactor to dose his vodka. Sounds like it really keeps his large clown system running at a much lower nitrate level than before. I hope he can share the details again on here.



Here is a link to a non-sulfur nitrate reactor:




The D-D site has some interesting clues on the troubleshooting page. I see a diy project coming on.

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I dose about 10ml per day in my 150 at home,,, and we have been dosing about 10ml in each of our FO tanks. It kept the nitrates below 30 in the FO with a huge bioload and bioballs.


I HIGHLY recommend it, but you need a very good skimmer, and I would recommend a dosing pump. (ive always thought you could run a aqualifter with diluted vodka for 1 minute with a good timer).


My corals at home have fabulous color, I attribute it to the vodka, even with HUGE feedings (I have an auto feeder feeding 3 times a day, plus nori, plus frozen ever few days). My PO4 last I checked with my colorometer was .01 and my phoslock is old.


I have 3 leopard wrasse, 4 tangs, 3 skunk clowns, 4 anthias, one pigmy angel, 3 flame wrasse, 1 cigar wrasse (red and white striped, yellow tail), and probably others Im forgetting....


I dont bother checking for nitrate at home...

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I used vodka for a few years, have moved on to sugar. I can never manage to keep vodka in the house.


My tank takes a packet of sugar as a dose. I pour it into the overflow box in the morning whenever I see some algae popping up.


I'm not that exact anymore, I used to be, but this works just as well IME.


Andy had a nice thread on the subject that is worth looking up FWIW.



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I used to dose vodka for about 6 mo, the problem I got was some sort of bacteria mats in the sump and red cotton in the DT. The red cotton is not the algae type more like a bacteria mat. I plan to restart dosing when I get some bacteria additive. When I did dose the water was sure clear. I read good things about brightwells bacteria additive don't remember what they called it exactly.

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I've been dosing Vodka for about six weeks now. I'm up to ~12mL/day, 6 in the morning and 6 in the evening, on my 72 Bow. My Nitrates have gone from ~40 down to 10 on an API test kit. So far no ill side effects. Everything seems happy. I do about a 15-20% w.c. every 3 weeks. It seems to be working for me.

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Technically I have been dosing sugar....only fairly recently though. Ever since I did the DIY fish food and noticed that there was a decent amount of sugar in the seafood mix I used. I have been doing this for about a month now and have some noticeable changes in my coral growth.


on a side note....I tested my nitrates today after running Xenia filteration and they are at 0....0!!! that is from .5..... 3 weeks ago.

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Just wondering how much are people dosing for their "regular" or maintenance dose in relation to total water volume. When I was dosing i was up to 3.5 mL of 50% vodka a day on a 120g tank estimate ~100g volume with the sump. Just trying to get a feel on what is reasonable.

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I have been doseing vodka for about 3 months. The corals have never been brighter. The deep sand where it used to be darker color is now nice and white. Lots of other stuff but am to pooped to type them at the moment....ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz



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Disclaimer to the newbs or people to lazy to do some research:


1. If you do not have a skimmer, don't even think about dosing a carbon source.


2. If you do not have a skimmer that fills the cup with dark skimmate every 7-14 days, don't even think about dosing a carbon source.


3. Go easy on your alkalinity. Keep it stable at 8DKH.


4. Once you reach a point where Nitrates are low enough, you can stop dosing if your feeding regimen/bioload are in check.


5. Starting off slowly is a VERY good idea if you don't have oversized skimmer. The first time I dosed sugar, I goofed and tank was quite cloudy for a day. My skimmer pulled out the most FOUL amount of nog I have ever seen. It was like a new shipment of uncured Live Rock.

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so do people dose vodka even if they dont have any issues?


No. Doing so can starve the tank of beneficial bacteria. Basically you want just enough Vodka or Sugar to feed the bacteria that will then feed on the nutrients in the tank bringing nitrates down. The tank then becomes a low nutrient system. Feeding it too much carbon source can deplete the nutrients completely and then starve the tank.


Fishkiller, trying to compare to others isn't a very good way to judge the amount needed. What works for one system may very well crash the next system. Best to follow the procedures and start out slow with weekly increases until your nitrates start dropping and then cut back until you find a balance that keeps them right at zero.

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