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Ok, so I don't know what kind of corals this guy has, but what I can say is he gave me a brilliant referral(clap). He told me about a new store out here called Westside Aquariums, off Cornellius Pass (sorry about spelling), and I have to admit I was a bit skeptical. But today was my off day so I figured...what the heck(scratch). Headed down there and met Tim, all I gotta say is that is one very cool guy. He spent time with me, showed me some of his massive collection of Oregon Tort:eek: .. (drooler), and his new hijaking zoa's..(drooler)..which I may have to pick up.(plotting). Ended up picking up a beautiful Flame Angel. Anyway if it wasn't for Pantherguy 30, I would have never found that place...thanks for the hookup. You guys should check out that shop.(rock2) Very nice display tank, pretty good selection....nice acans, chalices, dendro's, and various other SPS's. He also had a few different types of Duncan's. Hope to see Westside Aquariums on our sponsor list some day soon.

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