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Water testing


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Is there a place in or close to Portland that will do a full test on your water?

In full test I mean most or all the small elements and have it down on a sheet of paper. Some of my test kits are old and most the small stuff I just dont have.


Some times I just wonder if I am missing something or the salt mix is or my water is starting to load up with something. It just bugs the hell out me when everything else is just doing great and then one sps decided to get a white spot on him then it goes away in a months time.(nutty)

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Most LFS only use the same test you probably have and some only keep a few Ph, Alk, Phos etc on hand and open, there are no "complete test" to look at everything. As far as having a SPS go south in my opinion that happens. Look at ALL your tank inhabinates if all seems fine then you are probably good , dont waste your time and money just because once in a while something dies. I see all to often here "test this, test that" waste of time in my opinion if everything else in your tank is doing good especially your fish, then dont worry about it.

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Yep Smann is kinda right, that is just how it goes with SPS sometimes. I had a milli that changed to a beautiful color, grew like a weed and was just doing all around GREAT. Then one night it just rotted away and it was gone within a week.(sad) Nothing else showed any signs of stress at all. It just happens sometimes is really the best explanation for it.

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Patrick at SWF will do free tests of more than the common 4 as well. I don't recall what all he tests but I know it included calcium and I think there was one other as well. He also uses regular test kits rather than the test strips. I bought some of the test strips from another LFS (which is what he uses for his free tests) and after using them for a few weeks I will not buy them again. Contrary to what he told me I have found that they are really only good for a ballpark measurement but cannot be relied upon for any accuracy.


BTW, When you do hit up the LFS for free tests you might hit 2 of them at once. I found that in particular salinity may read differently at 2 or 3 different places. For some reason one LFS always shows mine to be 0.002 higher than any others.

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Patrick at SWF will do free tests of more than the common 4 as well. I don't recall what all he tests but I know it included calcium and I think there was one other as well. He also uses regular test kits rather than the test strips. I bought some of the test strips from another LFS (which is what he uses for his free tests) and after using them for a few weeks I will not buy them again. Contrary to what he told me I have found that they are really only good for a ballpark measurement but cannot be relied upon for any accuracy.


BTW, When you do hit up the LFS for free tests you might hit 2 of them at once. I found that in particular salinity may read differently at 2 or 3 different places. For some reason one LFS always shows mine to be 0.002 higher than any others.


If you test the salinity with one of those hydrometers they are not very accurate. At least I have 2 that test different. I want one of those refractometers.



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SWF uses Salifert and Elos test kits, as well as a Hanna Low Range Phosphate Photometer.


We have:


Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Calcium, Alkalinity, Magnesium, PH, Boron, Phosphate(salifert and hanna).


All free, but please consider buying at least something. It takes valuable time to do multiple tests.

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If you test the salinity with one of those hydrometers they are not very accurate. At least I have 2 that test different. I want one of those refractometers.




No kidding. When I first started out I had a swing arm Instant Ocean hydrometer. I bought a refractometer, calibrated it, and checked against the hydrometer. The hydrometer was off by .009. So when I thought I was at 1.027 I was at 1.018. Into the trash it went, and now I use nothing else but a refractometer.

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Ok so now you see what I mean about a good trusted accurate test. I don't mind going into my LFS and ask for them to test for a few things for free. But If I want everything tested and if I knew it was accurate and put down on paper so I wouldent forget as soon as I walk out, I would pay 50 bucks just to have a peace of mind. I don't think it would be right for my to ask a store to run that many test and how would I be sure they all would be good test from the kit or the person doing them? I think stores are there to sell stuff to make a liveing just like the rest of us. I know many stores are friends to most here as well as to me "I hope" and hate to put them under a gun saying you said my such and such is good.


I guess what I am getting at here is that I would think there would be a small market for something like this. I would use it once or maybe twice a year and would help some that don't realy know what to test for as well. How many of you ever have thought that one or a couple things might be getting out of wack and don't have the test kit for it and would just like to have the peace of mind that its ok?


I would like to hear from some store people about how they feel about when five people come in that day and say "hay test these things for me" and there slammed with people in there store trying to buy stuff.


Not trying start anything Sax/Steve

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I can see getting the water tested so you know where to go from there. But doing it twice a year is a little crazy. If something is off and you need to adjust. How will you do it if you don't have your own kits? I feel having my own test kits are as essential as using salt. I want to know what my perims are. I always ask the LSF what is there recent readings to better acclimate my newly purchased fish or corals.

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Yes doing it twice a year would be far fetch for me as well. As far as adjusting stuff I would then up the water changes and or get the kit I needed.

I have never priced a full line of kits, and would I use them up before the expiration date was up and then start worring if there good?

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I would like to hear from some store people about how they feel about when five people come in that day and say "hay test these things for me" and there slammed with people in there store trying to buy stuff.



Usually, reefers just want their CA/ALK and Nitrate tested. It takes me about 5 minutes to run the tests, and most customers understand that it is a free test so they are usually very patient if we're busy.

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