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Does anyone else have a huge population of this algae? I have been pulling it out every couple weeks from my tank. I can get bunch the size of a vollyball each month. I thought of it as a pest till I read about it here. It doesnt look bad. Makes my reef look natural I think. Anyway...I have lots of it if someone wants some. I think my high alk is causing it to flourish as I over shot the alk with me cal reactor the last week.





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Yes, halimeda grows well in my sump, while cheato always slowly withers away, for some reason.


I have some halimeda in my 60G tank, too, and it looks nice, plus it's easy to weed out. Doesn't take over the tank, like other macros can.

It does use up a fair amount of calcium.

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Where in Vancouver are you? I would like to get my hands on some of that to see if it grows better in my tank than the cheato. The cheato I have doesn't seem to be withering away but it also isn't getting any bigger either.

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Where in Vancouver are you? I would like to get my hands on some of that to see if it grows better in my tank than the cheato. The cheato I have doesn't seem to be withering away but it also isn't getting any bigger either.


Im right down the road from Oscars market on St Johns. Stop by and I will pull you a few handfulls. PM for directions



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I keep it in my planted tank with 10 other macro algaes. Mine does not grow so fast but it might be nutrient limited based on it's surroundings. It is a nice algae IMO and does well when it's roots are planted in rock or substrate.




Mine seems to have really taken off. Last night I tossed out a bunch. Some in my tank have reached 8 inches long.


You have a planted saltwater tank. How cool. Do you dose phosphates and such for it? Pictures world be cool.



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I'll take some from you too for my fuge.


You live close enough. I will pm you when it grows out enough to harvest. If you want some now I probably have 2 I could pull but should wait till I have more. It grows pretty fast.




I guess I shpuld reply to everyone with 1 reply...I just noticed there are 3 in a row from myself.



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Thanks again Jay. The largest piece went into my 85 Gallon display, the small one went into the Nano tank and the other into the sump. The piece of the Monti Cap is in the Nano for now but will eventually go into the display. I enjoyed seeing your setup (He has a 120 gallon peninsula with a huge Monti Cap and a huge Crispa Anemone, and many other treats to see as well)

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Mine seems to have really taken off. Last night I tossed out a bunch. Some in my tank have reached 8 inches long.


You have a planted saltwater tank. How cool. Do you dose phosphates and such for it? Pictures world be cool.




It's pretty fun. Way different from the reef for sure. I just wanted a new challenge.


I don't dose phosphates, I just feed more. I did tear out the refugium for awhile and was target feeding LPS down there instead for awhile, but it's setup as a refugium again since some nuissance algae showed up.


I need to update my pics of the tank. I'm having a little issue on that, but here is one from October. Tank looks a little different now. I did have to move it a few weeks ago. I'll get some pics up soon.



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That looks really nice. I really like the sea grasses in the left corner. Lets see how many corals I can count. Xenias, Yellow star polyps, Sea rod Gorgonia, I see a toadstool mushroom, Sinularia, I see a small devils hans leather, Is that a scroll coral? Where are the seahorses and pipefish...thats all thats missing : )


Very nice



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There is a seahorse in there ;) I'm kind of the seahorse guy. You missed the zoa's too :D


I'll get a new pic up soon. Been meaning too. Being a photographer by profession I am the worst at taking pics at home. Might be more because I know how bad the pics of the tanks I take are.

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