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90 gallon custom Envision/8way/hammerhead system/sump/skimmer

fly guy

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selling the tank I documented some in the following thread.







Tank is a custom Envision Acrylics with an toothless external coast to coast overflow- the only plumbing that comes with this is the dual HG B overflow piping and drain lines to sump. $400 for the tank.


I could be persuaded to sell the tank with the closed loop, but will need $1300 for the package. Im fully aware that isnt a great deal, but it is a fair deal copnsidering I would just as soon keep the hardware and would need to replace it if it does sell. By the time you are done building the closed loop and omniflex nozzles as I have it the loop will have have cost you well over $1200. This barebottom system does not need detritous siphoned out anywhere with the exception of a couple of spots behind the spraybars. Everythign gets suspended and up ijnto the water column eventually making it to the C2C overflow and to the skimmer for permanent removal. Fully directionally controllable low profile omniflex nozzles can be aimed wherever you like randomly and variable from 8 different directions in the tank, without a powerhead in sight.


sump is a custom 40 gallon, with a RS 180 skimmer- Ehiem upgrade. The body is actually an older rs-80, but I plugged the original hole, and drilled it higher for a larger pump and added the Euroreef needlewheel on a ER modded eheim 1262. I want $250 for the skimmer/pump. It may sound high for an older modded ER but you can price that ER modded pump and see I am throwing in the skimmer for free. The pump is a little over a year old This skimmer sitting in this sump simply doesnt need touched.......ever. Set it for how wet or dry you want it and it just chugs away. If any of my future plans could ever use anything this small I wouldnt be selling it.




$125 for sump

$250 for skimmer


$375 for sump/skimmer package and all return plumbing including a mag 12 return. Return pump is plumbed to power a chiller and a small canister filter with additional ball valves off of the retun line. Mag 12 return is not for sale seperately. I am just throwing it in to anyone who wants the package as they will not need anything else below the tank for the sytem to run.



Stand and canopy are more or less crap. They are way way overbuilt and in their day were furniture quality stuff.......but that day has long passed, and it is only really good if you planned on having it in a fishroom or basement, as you surely dont want it in your living room. Or at least I wouldnt. There are no doors or side panels to the stand, and no doors on the canopy and the thing has been used and abused. This is the 4th tank I have had on it, and I didnt aquire it new so you can imagine. I will gladly give them to you if you want them with the package, but either way it does not affect my asking prices.


No livestock nor rock is for sale. If you read the last post or two of that thread you can read what happened to the current starboard/rock support. I have a new piece of 3/4" I just paid $55 for. I just want my money back on it if you wanted it, and I would be willing to cut it to size, place it in the tank so it cannot move nor get crap under it as well as drill it appropriately for yoru aquascaping desires if you wanted to set yours up anything similar to how I have it set up.


thanks for looking. This isnt available immediately. Be 2-3 weeks and I can deliver to the portland area as I doubt you want to drive 3 hours into the middle of nowhere to pick it up.


one more thing...there is a 1/10 chiller attached to this tank. It hasnt actually chilled anything I dont think for some time. It may even be fixable...dont know. It is at this point a very oversized yet accurate temperature display and single stage controller that will turn on a heater when appropriate. With the entire package this comes for free as well.








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Hi Daniel :)


Just thought I would add.......



I could also be interested in simply keeping my 8 way and hammerhead, leaving all plumbing and saving you from having to plumb the tank for nothing more than the replacement cost of the unions, ball valves and bulkheads. That way the new 8 way and hammerhead you buy would simply be plug and play

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