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What do you have in your sump?


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85 Gallon tank with a 40 gallon sump. When you ask what I am keeping I'm not sure what your looking for. In the tank I'm running a plenum with about 3 inches of sand on that. Then I have 40 lbs or so (just a guess) of live rock. In the sump I currently have some carbon, a little cheato, some sea lettuce, my skimmer, and the return pump. I plan to mix up 50 lbs. or so of DIY rock and after it's cured it will go into the tank and/or sump.


My plan was to do some live sand, then live rock, with cheato and sea lettuce on top (similar to what was mentioned above). One source I saw though said to take the Live Sand and Live Rock out if it was used as a refugium. Since I can't find much consistency I figured I would get an idea of what others run first and then decide what all to put in.

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its just the idea of cutting off a leg, throwing the leg in the tank, then putting the star fish back in the sump only to harvest another leg later on.

I am usually not one to be sensative to this kind of thing, but can you imagine being harvested like that; sound morbid.

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zoolander, how is the star's leg healing up? how is the tank...sorry off topic.



in my new sump i intend to have it set up like this:


100g rubbermaid horse trough

5" oolitic sand bed

filter socks to fuge, mangroves and macro algae

next xenia compartment

next skimmer compartment

then bubble trap and return pump



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Nice drawing Curtis!

I have a sump only under my tank in the cabinet, The sump runs to the Refugium behind the tank and stand via two 1-1/2" lines. The fuge is 18" x 18" x 42" long.. the first 24" is sandbed 3+" with small LR and LR rubble and the overflow is 12"tall. The next chamber is the return for the skimmer (under cabinet) with carbon tray (ozone). The last chamber is the "clean" end after the baffles with the return pumps this is also where the ATO, float valve, effluent Cal reac and out line for the AWC . In the main area its like a tank with no predators, its full of all kinds of critters, brissle worms, snails of all kinds, the cheato. I also stuff cheato in the middle chamber from the first before it gets thrown out. I have a frag rack, several corals, xenia, singulara, capnella. The fuge is lit on a reverse cycle with a Current USA 24" 4- t5 and 1 250MH on from 11pm to 8am

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Steve, next time you toss out some cheato can you let me know. I have a little bit (handful) which I expect to propogate over time but I don't think there is enough to really be effective yet.


Do any of you use oyster shells for substrate or live sand?

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After a few hours of work today my sump now has no live sand, but 20 lbs or so of LR rubble, a ball of chaeto and an intake to a PCI recirculating skimmer. There are also two heaters in there.


The sand is now in the displays right back corner so I can get the wrasse I want.


Live food can get exspensive. I used to spend $5 three times a week for live shrimp for seahorses.

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