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You know you are into reefin when....


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You have 3 boxes of spare parts from past tank plumbing attempts (some failures' date=' some successes).[/quote']


Have those. Then you get to the point when you plumb a project you buy two of everything for next time. I


I must be a reefer.


How about when you wake up at night and the silence causes you to freak out? The lack of equipment sound in the house is the scariest sound on the planet.



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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


That's when you know your a real reefer. We have human towels and fish towels. The human towels are decorated with fish.




Oh man do i know this one! My fish towels have superglue all over them. My wife asks everyone we know how to get superglue off of towels (laugh)

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...fish towels...I LOVE IT!!...It's like we all live in the same house!! I get yelled at because under pressure, ALL towels are fish towels..."I put a pile of fish towels out in the garage!" or "I hope you're not using MY good towels!"...


Man, when I meet somebody and introduce them to my buddy who owns a LFS, I introduce him as "my crack dealer."(laugh)

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