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You know you are into reefin when....


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1. You have odd scars all over your arms from getting cut from various corals and live rock. Oh and the burns from MH bulbs :)

2. Your wife doesn't even bother asking who that person or those people are walking through your house to get to your garage anymore.

3. Your fingers are pretty much constantly covered in at least some cyanoacrylate.

4. You know what the heck cyanoacrylate even is.

5. Your shoes are constantly stained with salt blotches

6. Sea shells and dried up sea critters make you sad and at the same time you wonder why they are so much cheaper than the exact same thing you buy alive.

7. You get either the police, DEA, FBI, or just a bunch of strange neighbors driving really slowly by your house and occasoinally kind of peaking in your windows wondering what that weird glow is. This also may include several strange looks from neighbors or people just passing by

8. You have residues from several strange white powders in your car trunk or on your jeans on a regular basis, prompting all sorts of questions one does not wish to get into.

9. No one arounds you but yourself sees the significance in your excitement over increased algae growth, or for that matter much of anything that you talk about on a regular basis. Nerd.

10. You have at least one funky fish/coral/invert related t-shirt. Nerd.

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your 5 year old starts telling your guests what kind of fish and corals are in the tank.


you grab for the change in the ashtray when going into the lfs.


there are no " good " towels anymore


your idea of goin to the store has nothing to do with groceries.

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-You get a second job cleaning offices in the evening, so you can afford that aquarium controller and other expensive equipment


-your family and friends don't even ask what you want for your birthday/Christmas/anniversary anymore, because they know it's always money for the "reef fund"

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