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Electric Scallop


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They like enough current to bring them food, not enough to blow it off of them. They do need to be target fed IME. If they do not like there spot, they will move to a new one. Sadly most do not live long in aquariums. I'd suggest reading up a bit on them.



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here is some info I dug up.... The Electric Flame Scallop, also called the Red Electric Flame Scallop has a bright red mantel with red tentacles. The mantel of this species seems to create electricity which can be seen shooting across the mantel like lightning bolts. These surges of electricity are bright enough to be seen in the aquarium when the lights are off. The shell of the various Flame Scallops is covered with fine bumps, making it feel like a file.


The Electric Flame Scallop builds a small nest of small rocks and pieces of coral in which it embeds itself. In an aquarium, this may not offer much protection. When threatened, it may escape by clapping its valves together, propelling it through the water, with assistance from its tentacles. It tolerates all animals that do not try to eat it, and can be kept in groups. It is a filter feeder, and requires floating micro-plankton to be kept alive in the aquarium, and will do best in a mature reef aquarium system. It also needs proper calcium levels and alkalinity. It does not tolerate nitrates or copper-based medications.


It requires supplementation with phytoplankton, and organic foods (Marine Snow or Selcon) provided by using a small pipette/straw to dispense the food upstream of its location. Each Electric Flame Scallop needs to be fed individually.

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I had one when I first started out. Lasted about a month. That sucker will swim up your rocks by jetting water. Literly lifting off the sand and swim. Dardest thing I ever saw. They will also squirt you in the face when you handle them. I got nailed by one. Pretty funny when you think about it. My prediction is it will swim up over your rocks and place itself behing the rockwork. this happened to me about 50 times seems like. They also attatch their foot with super sticky clam glue so you cant move them. I do wish you luck with it. Hope he stays put for you. They sure look cool.





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I saw this bad boy on the planet earth series. Really cool for sure! I wonder why if makes the electro show maybe to attract plankton to the light source?


That is kinda what I was thinking too. Its pretty cool to watch. I have one that I added to my new frag system 2 days after I had water circulating in it. Still thriving and it has been a couple of months now. I have had them last almost a year.



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hey there congrats on your new addition... I have one in my tank I added it about 3 mths ago. Seems to be doing great I dont target feed it although it reacts when I feed Cyclopes and what not. It stayed in the same spot for for about 2 1/2 mths now it is moved to the back side.

I can see the light show at any time of the day or night but you have to look hard most of the time..

Good luck

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